Passport (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an official document issued by the government of a country to one of its citizens and, varying from country to country, authorizing travel to foreign countries and authenticating the bearer's identity, citizenship, right to protection while abroad, and right to reenter their native country.
  2. anything that ensures admission or acceptance: A good education can be your passport to success.
  3. any authorization to pass or go somewhere.
  4. a document issued to a ship, especially to a neutral merchant ship in time of war, granting or requesting permission to proceed without molestation in certain waters.
  5. a certificate intended to secure admission.
  1. an official document issued by a government, identifying an individual, granting him permission to travel abroad, and requesting the protection of other governments for him
  2. a licence granted by a state to a foreigner, allowing the passage of his person or goods through the country
  3. another word for sea letter (def. 1)
  4. a quality, asset, etc, that gains a person admission or acceptance
Passport (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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