Pickup (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an improvement, as in health, business conditions, work, production, etc.
  2. pick-me-up.
  3. a casual, usually unintroduced acquaintance, often one made in hope of a sexual relationship.
  4. an instance of stopping for or taking aboard passengers or freight, as by a train, ship, taxicab, etc., especially an instance of taking freight or a shipment of goods onto a truck.
  5. the person, freight, or shipment so taken aboard: The cab driver had a pickup at the airport who wanted to be driven to the docks.
  6. Automotive.
    • capacity for rapid acceleration.
    • acceleration; increase in speed.
    • a small truck with a low-sided open body, used for deliveries and light hauling.
  7. the act of fielding a ball after it hits the ground.
  8. a small device attached to the end of a phonograph tone arm that contains a stylus and the mechanism that translates the movement of the stylus in a record groove into a changing electrical voltage.
  9. Radio.
    • the act of receiving sound waves in the transmitting set in order to change them into electrical waves.
    • a receiving or recording device.
    • the place from which a broadcast is being transmitted.
    • interference (def. 4).
  10. Television.
    • the change of light energy into electrical energy in a television camera.
    • camera tube.
    • a telecast made directly from the scene of an action.
  11. a hitchhiker.
  12. (in the cold-drawing of metal) the adhesion of particles of the metal to the die or plug.
  1. composed of or employing whatever persons are available on a more or less impromptu basis: a pickup game of baseball; a pickup dance band.
  2. using whatever ingredients are handy or available: a Sunday night pickup supper.
  1. the light balanced arm of a record player that carries the wires from the cartridge to the preamplifier
  2. an electromagnetic transducer that converts the vibrations of the steel strings of an electric guitar or other amplified instrument into electric signals
  3. another name for cartridge (def. 3)
  4. a small truck with an open body and low sides, used for light deliveries
  5. an ability to accelerate rapidly
  6. a casual acquaintance, usually one made with sexual intentions
  7. informal
    • a stop to collect passengers, goods, etc
    • the people or things collected
  8. a free ride in a motor vehicle
  9. an improvement
  10. a pick-me-up
  1. organized, arranged, or assembled hastily and without planning
verb pick up (adverb)
  1. to gather up in the hand or hands
  2. to acquire, obtain, or purchase casually, incidentally, etc
  3. to catch (a disease)
  4. to improve in health, condition, activity, etc
  5. to raise (oneself) after a fall or setback
  6. to notice or sense
  7. to resume where one left off; return to
  8. to learn gradually or as one goes along
  9. to take responsibility for paying (a bill)
  10. to reprimand
  11. to collect or give a lift to (passengers, hitchhikers, goods, etc)
  12. to become acquainted with, esp with a view to having sexual relations
  13. to arrest
  14. to increase (speed)
  15. to receive (electrical signals, a radio signal, sounds, etc), as for transmission or amplification
  16. to restore a situation to normality after a crisis or collapse
Pickup (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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