Rubber Stamp (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a device with a rubber printing surface that becomes coated with ink by being pressed on an ink-saturated pad, used for imprinting dates, addresses, standard designations or notices, etc., by hand.
  2. a person or government agency that gives approval automatically or routinely.
  3. such approval.
verb (used with object)
  1. to imprint with a rubber stamp.
  2. to give approval automatically or without consideration: to rubber-stamp the president's proposals.
  1. tending to give approval automatically or without due consideration: a rubber-stamp Congress that passed all the president's bills.
  1. a device used for imprinting dates or commonly used phrases on forms, invoices, etc
  2. automatic authorization of a payment, proposal, etc, without challenge
  3. a person who makes such automatic authorizations; a cipher or person of little account
verb rubber-stamp (tr)
  1. to imprint (forms, invoices, etc) with a rubber stamp
  2. to approve automatically
Rubber Stamp (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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