Treasure (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. wealth or riches stored or accumulated, especially in the form of precious metals, money, jewels, or plate.
  2. wealth, rich materials, or valuable things.
  3. any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized: This book was his chief treasure.
verb (used with object), treas·ured, treas·ur·ing.
  1. to retain carefully or keep in store, as in the mind.
  2. to regard or treat as precious; cherish.
  3. to put away for security or future use, as money.
  1. wealth and riches, usually hoarded, esp in the form of money, precious metals, or gems
  2. a thing or person that is highly prized or valued
verb (tr)
  1. to prize highly as valuable, rare, or costly
  2. to store up and save; hoard
Treasure (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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