Call (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to cry out in a loud voice; shout: He called her name to see if she was home.
  2. to command or request to come; summon: to call a dog; to call a cab;to call a witness.
  3. to ask or invite to come:Will you call the family to dinner?
  4. to communicate or try to communicate with by telephone: Call me when you arrive.
  5. to rouse from sleep, as by a call; waken: Call me at eight o'clock.
  6. to read over (a roll or a list) in a loud voice.
  7. to convoke or convene: We will now call Congress into session.
  8. to announce authoritatively; proclaim: The company called a halt to production of their latest line after many items failed quality checks.
  9. to order into effect; decree: The union is planning to call a strike late this year.
  10. to schedule: The director should call one more rehearsal before opening night.
  11. to summon by or as if by divine command: He felt called to the ministry.
  12. to summon to an office, duty, etc.: His country called him to service during the Korean War.
  13. to cause to come; bring: to call to mind;to call into existence.
  14. to bring under consideration or discussion: The judge called the case to court.
  15. to attract or lure (birds or animals) by imitating characteristic sounds.
  16. to direct or attract (attention): He called his roommate's attention to the mess.
  17. to name or address (someone) as: His parents named him James, but the boys call him Jim.
  18. to designate as something specified: He called me a liar.
  19. to think of as something specified; consider; estimate: I call that a mean remark.
  20. to demand of (someone) that they fulfill a promise, furnish evidence for a statement, etc.: They called him on his story.
  21. to criticize adversely; express disapproval of; censure: She called him on his vulgar language.
  22. to demand payment or fulfillment of (a loan).
  23. to demand presentation of (bonds) for redemption.
  24. to forecast correctly: He has called the outcome of the last three elections.
  25. Sports. (of an official)
    • to pronounce a judgment on (a shot, pitch, batter, etc.): The umpire called the pitch a strike.
    • to put an end to (a contest) because of inclement weather, poor field conditions, etc.: A sudden downpour forced the umpire to call the game.
  26. to name (the ball) one intends to drive into a particular pocket.
  27. to invoke (a subroutine or procedure) in a computer program.
  28. Cards.
    • to demand (a card).
    • to demand the display of a hand by (a player).
    • to equal (a bet) or equal the bet made by (the preceding bettor) in a round.
    • to signal one's partner for a lead of (a certain card or suit).
verb (used without object)
  1. to speak loudly, as to attract attention; shout; cry: She called to the children.
  2. to telephone or try to telephone a person: He promised to call at noon.
  3. to make a short visit; stop at a place on some errand or business: She called at the store for the package.
  4. Cards.
    • to demand a card.
    • to demand a showing of hands.
    • to equal a bet.
    • to bid or pass.
  5. (of a bird or animal) to utter its characteristic cry.
  1. a cry or shout: She gave a call across the lawn to her friend.
  2. the cry or vocal sound of a bird or other animal: A crow's call sounds different from a raven's.
  3. an instrument for imitating this cry and attracting or luring an animal: He bought a duck call.
  4. an act or instance of telephoning: She returned his call as soon as her meeting was over.
  5. a short visit: to make a call on someone.
  6. a summons or signal sounded by a bugle, bell, etc.: We live so close to the fort that we can hear the bugle calls.
  7. a summons, invitation, or bidding: The students gathered at the call of the dean.
  8. a calling of a roll; roll call.
  9. the fascination or appeal of a given place, vocation, etc.: the call of the sea.
  10. a mystic experience of divine appointment to a vocation or service: He had a call to become a minister.
  11. a request or invitation to become pastor of a church, a professor in a university, etc.
  12. a need or occasion: He had no call to say such outrageous things.
  13. a demand or claim: to make a call on a person's time.
  14. a demand for payment of an obligation, especially where payment is at the option of the creditor.
  15. Cards.
    • a demand for a card or a showing of hands.
    • an equaling of the preceding bet.
    • a bid or pass.
  16. a judgment or decision by an umpire, a referee, or other official of a contest, as on a shot, pitch, or batter: The referees were making one bad call after another.
  17. Theater.
  18. a figure or direction in square dancing, announced to the dancers by the caller.
  19. an option that gives the right to buy a fixed amount of a particular stock at a predetermined price within a given period of time, purchased by a person who believes the price will rise.
  20. any of several cries, or sounds made on a horn by the hunter to encourage the hounds.
Verb Phrases
  1. to cause to leave or go; summon: A death in the family called him away.
  2. See entry at callback.
  3. call down,
    • to request or pray for; invoke: to call down the wrath of God.
    • to reprimand; scold: The boss called us down for lateness.
  4. call for,
    • to go or come to get; pick up; fetch.
    • to request; summon.
    • to require; need: The occasion calls for a cool head.
  5. to summon into action; bring into existence: to call forth her courage and resolve.
  6. See entry at call in.
  7. question (def. 17).
  8. call off,
    • to distract; take away: Please call off your dog.
    • to cancel (something) that had been planned for a certain date: The performance was called off because of rain.
  9. call on / upon
    • to ask; appeal to: They called on him to represent them.
    • to visit for a short time: to call on friends.
  10. See entry at callout.
  11. call up,
    • to bring forward for consideration or discussion.
    • to cause to remember; evoke.
    • to communicate or try to communicate with by telephone.
    • to summon for action or service: A large number of Army reservists were called up.
    • to summon (information) from a computer system for display on a screen: She called up the full text.
  1. sick1 (def. 14).
  2. order (def. 48).
  3. on call,
    • payable or subject to return without advance notice.
    • readily available for summoning upon short notice.
  4. to acknowledge the applause of the audience after a performance by appearing for a bow or a curtain call.
  5. within distance or range of being spoken to or summoned: Please stay within call.
  1. to speak or utter (words, sounds, etc) loudly so as to attract attention
  2. to ask or order to come
  3. to make a visit (to)
  4. to telephone (a person)
  5. to summon to a specific office, profession, etc
  6. (of animals or birds) to utter (a characteristic sound or cry)
  7. to summon (a bird or animal) by imitating its cry
  8. to name or style
  9. to designate
  10. to speak ill of or scold
  11. to regard in a specific way
  12. to attract (attention)
  13. to read (a list, register, etc) aloud to check for omissions or absentees
  14. to give an order (for)
  15. to try to predict the result of tossing a coin
  16. to awaken
  17. to cause to assemble
  18. (of an umpire, referee, etc) to pass judgment upon (a shot, player, etc) with a call
  19. to broadcast a commentary on (a horse race or other sporting event)
  20. to demand repayment of (a loan, redeemable bond, security, etc)
  21. to demand payment of (a portion of a share issue not yet paid by subscribers)
  22. to award (a student at an Inn of Court) the degree of barrister (esp in the phrase call to the bar)
  23. to transfer control to (a named subprogram)
  24. to demand that (a player) expose his hand, after equalling his bet
  25. to make a bid
  26. (in square-dancing) to call out (instructions) to the dancers
  27. to ask (a player) to say what kind of shot he will play or (of a player) to name his shot
  28. (intr foll by for)
    • to require
    • to come or go (for) in order to fetch
  29. to make an appeal or request (to)
  30. to predict the outcome of an event
  31. to create
  32. to begin to operate
  33. call in question or call into question See question (def. 12)
  34. to stop work or other activity
  35. (of the outcome of a competition, election, match, etc) unable to be predicted
  36. to remember or cause to be remembered
  1. a cry or shout
  2. the characteristic cry of a bird or animal
  3. a device, such as a whistle, intended to imitate the cry of a bird or animal
  4. a summons or invitation
  5. a summons or signal sounded on a horn, bugle, etc
  6. any of several notes or patterns of notes, blown on a hunting horn as a signal
  7. hunting
    • an imitation of the characteristic cry of a wild animal or bird to lure it to the hunter
    • an instrument for producing such an imitation
  8. a short visit
  9. an inner urge to some task or profession; vocation
  10. allure or fascination, esp of a place
  11. the summons to the bar of a student member of an Inn of Court
  12. need, demand, or occasion
  13. demand or claim (esp in the phrase the call of duty)
  14. a notice to actors informing them of times of rehearsals
  15. (in square dancing) an instruction to execute new figures
  16. a conversation or a request for a connection by telephone
  17. commerce
    • a demand for repayment of a loan
    • (as modifier)
  18. finance
    • a demand for redeemable bonds or shares to be presented for repayment
    • a demand for an instalment payment on the issue price of bonds or shares
  19. a demand to an opponent to say what kind of shot he will play
  20. a demand for a hand or hands to be exposed
  21. a bid, or a player's turn to bid
  22. a decision or judgment
  23. a decision of an umpire or referee regarding a shot, pitch, etc
  24. a broadcast commentary on a horse race or other sporting event
  25. an option to buy a stated amount of securities at a specified price during a specified period
  26. See roll call
  27. a demand made by a stockbroker for partial payment of a client's debt due to decreasing value of the collateral
  28. call of nature See nature (def. 16)
  29. on call
    • (of a loan, etc) repayable on demand
    • available to be called for work outside normal working hours
  30. within range; accessible
Call (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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