Substance (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. that of which a thing consists; physical matter or material: form and substance.
  2. a species of matter of definite chemical composition: a chalky substance.
  3. controlled substance.
  4. the subject matter of thought, discourse, study, etc.
  5. the actual matter of a thing, as opposed to the appearance or shadow; reality.
  6. substantial or solid character or quality: claims lacking in substance.
  7. consistency; body: soup without much substance.
  8. the meaning or gist, as of speech or writing.
  9. something that has separate or independent existence.
  10. Philosophy.
    • something that exists by itself and in which accidents or attributes inhere; that which receives modifications and is not itself a mode; something that is causally active; something that is more than an event.
    • the essential part of a thing; essence.
    • a thing considered as a continuing whole.
  11. possessions, means, or wealth: to squander one's substance.
  12. the articulatory or acoustic reality or the perceptual manifestation of a word or other construction (distinguished from form).
  13. a standard of weights for paper.
  1. in substance,
  1. the tangible matter of which a thing consists
  2. a specific type of matter, esp a homogeneous material with a definite composition
  3. the essence, meaning, etc, of a written or spoken thought
  4. solid or meaningful quality
  5. material density
  6. material possessions or wealth
  7. philosophy
    • the supposed immaterial substratum that can receive modifications and in which attributes and accidents inhere
    • a thing considered as a continuing whole that survives the changeability of its properties
  8. that which is eternal
  9. a euphemistic term for any illegal drug
  10. with regard to the salient points
Substance (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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